Emily is really taking life by the horns lately, and it's making me feel bad about myself. While she's scoring an invite to Josh's sweet after-prom dance party in his parent's basement (guys, you can drink, you just have to do it in the downstairs bathroom. and put the beer in snapple bottles. and then eat a breath mint.), I fell asleep at 7:30 pm today right in the middle of reading An Omnivore's Dilemma! While she gets to be on a boat, going fast, with a nautical themed Pashmina Afghan (mothafucka), I walk around my apartment aimlessly, looking out windows and eating half a box of chocolate chip organic cookies that are only good if you dip them in milk and disregard the aftertaste. New York is kicking my ass and making me sleepy.
Something glorious did happen though: I got a camera. It's beautiful. So beautiful that I write this with teary eyes, a sniffle, and trembling hands. I might, or might not, cuddle with it at night, cradling it in that warm and safe crook of my arm much like I would a kitten, puppy, or very compact lover.
Not that I like cuddling or anything. Emotional expression through physical touch is pretty much a waste of time. I like being friends more. Be my friend?
Now something music related: Creaky Boards is just precious. They make music for tea parties. Tea parties for sneaky hipsters. With cocaine. Kept in some sort of silver snuff box. Jere's some other cool things about them: Every member has a progressively more impressive beard/mustache/beard-mustache combo. I believe both the glockenspiel and a laptop are put to use in their sets. Their sophomore effort is called "Brooklyn is Love". Admittedly this makes me barf up organic chocolate chip cookies in my mouth a bit, but it's something I can forgive, as can you. So really, no wrong can be done with all these gleaming attributes.
Download Brooklyn, The Songs I Didn't Write (more on that below), I'll Kiss You at Every Red Light, and Now I'm In the City.
Also, Coldplay apparently plagiarized one of their songs! BAD ASS!
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