On the plus side--and there is ALWAYS a plus side: Fort Tilden was sweet. I was in a bad mood per usual during transit (the subway and I are like oil and water or like fire and gasoline maybe...) but things began looking up as the epic string of Broccoli Destroyer, The Stranger Boys and Fiasco went on. Now that I am a criminal the only music that soothes my soul is instrumental or by Fiasco or both.
This is my favorite song right now today. AND I SAY AND These cats are playing tonight at 49 S 2nd St in Brooklyn (Death by Audio) with Power Animal, Grasshopper, Slasher Risk and others. Show starts at 8pm. Costs $7. The flyer is so dope.
I said god damn!
To be continued...
(I took photos and drew a cartoon of the whole day. Look forward to that yo amigo yo.)