image from my new favorite blog http://mymilktoof.blogspot.com/
This one is the best but I have only looked at the
first two pages.
1. It is not a joke.
2. The man from Hungary and the subtitles provided so the viewer can decipher his obliterated English. I live for every time he says something about crabs. Today he was carrying around a severed fish head and said something about how it was a good piece of cod. I felt so warm. His name is Karols Charlie Gaspar.
Also something always goes wrong but they are so cool and yell at each other and the captain is all fuming and then they catch buckets of crab and its cool again. They just let those pots soak. Yeahhhh, soak.
Beth was right: the Doveman show was totally righteous! It was like electricity. Honestly, Sam Amidon was the perfect entertainer. Absolute magic. I recommend seeing either Doveman or Sam Amidon in any of his bands whenever possible. As I write this, Amidon is at iBeam at record release show for Fiddle and Drums, his new project with Aaron Siegel. I should be there but I have a vicious tummy ache and am already in my pjs AKA my Association Internationale Pour L'Etude et la Gestion Des Ours shirt. That translates loosely into the International Association for the Study and Management of the Bears. So it goes.
There is only a 70% chance of rain today. Let us celebrate by listening to the lyrics of this classic song.
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