I love trains. Alot. I grew up within earshot of trains since babyhood and I still can hear trains passing in the middle of the night where I live now if my window is open a crack and I listen hard. I feel like this means something deep and significant, but I can't figure out what just yet. I love their horns especially, warning misguided deer off the tracks. Or at least that's what I'd like to think they're howling for. Either that or for the pure pleasure of the conductor. Either option is disgustingly poetic. If I were a conductor of a train, that shit'd be going off all night. I probably won't become a conductor, but I do hope to go across the country on a train at some point. I think that's what one would call a "life-shaping experience." Well, they would if they read Kerouac and didn't bathe alot probably, or something like that. Because I love trains so much, I guess it's pretty inherent that I love railcars too. railcars (lowercase intentional) is great. They are great basement dance/trash party music. They are also great music for alerting deer in danger consequently.
Download Bohemia is Without A Sea, Through the Trees Lay Smokestacks, and There is Ice It Is Blue.
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