Here are some things I love:
1. Milk...Love it.
2. Little plastic dinosaurs...Love them so much.
3. The perfect pen...Love the endless quest.
4. Putting sriracha on everything I eat. I love it!
So clearly I am not incapable of love, after all. If I can love milk, I'm sure I can love other things, like people.
Download "Have Love Will Travel" The Black Keys (Really fun band that sounds like grinding up glass and dirt in a blender. I am trying to tell you they have a sort of gritty sound but its dope as can be!
Download "Modern Love" David Bowie (DUH man.)
Download "I'll Believe in Anything" Wolf Parade (Perhaps the greatest band of the millennium. you don't need to listen to the next 1,000 of music that will come. This. Is. It.
Download "La La Love You" Pixies (Double DUH (duh) man.)
Download "Skinny Love" Bon Iver (Want to feel like you are standing in a white room filled to the top with down feathers and there is beautiful light streaming down through the feathers and you feel very warm and safe? Sometimes I get that craving, so I listen to Bon Iver.)
Oh, Emily, the photo doesn't come up =( Anyone would love to see what made you happy back then! You should ask your parents to buy you a new toothbrush every six months. That's what most dentists recommend to their patients. But it would be better if you change more often.