MMMM mmm MMMM MADLIB!!! I think it is appropriate for my first entry on this fine blog to be about my most adored producer/emcee. How do I love thee Madlib? Let me count the ways:
1. You make the dirtiest, grimiest, funkiest beats that no one else can touch.
2. After more than ten years in the biz you haven't sold your soul for a benz on 20 inch dubz.
3. You also make kick ass Jazz albums.
I could go on of course. But listing everything doesn't afford me the opportunity to elaborate. So let me wax a little bit more on some of your wax.
Some old rusty one hit wonder band from 1986 made an album that sat next to the record player and waited and waited and waited... just for the chance to make people's asses shake and ear drum's pop. Well if not for hip-hop's saving grace then it's chance would never have come. Now that producers are recycling old skool licks - we get to instantaneously travel to another place and time. And Madlib can take you places.... Oh the places you will go with him! OH SWEET RAPTURE!!!
For example - This is from his album "The Unseen". The name of the track is "Come On Feet". In this song he samples a 1973 animated French film called "La Planete Sauvage". If you have never seen the movie, do so post haste. Fantastic Planet is probably one of the most bizarre films you will ever witness. If you don't watch it for the weirdness, at least check it out for those wonderful blue breasts which the alien females flaunt all the time.
This is just one place... just one amazing place that Madlib's trail of delicious bread crumbs will lead you... Keep following that trail young soldier...
Here are some of his finest jams -
With MF Doom's vocals and Madlib's beats, they are unstoppable... and soon to be coming out with another Madvillainy (not the remix tape they came out with last September). Put on your hard hat Harry!
EDIT - Sorry, I thought Madvillainy was coming out with a new album but now that I check my sources its MF Doom that is coming out with his new album - "Born Like This" on March 24th 2009. Please forgive me for this transgression.
Madvillain in The New Yorker back in 2004.
Also, the first release from Born Like This is called Ballskin and can be heard here: