I think the fact that Beth compared Tyson Ritter to one third of the Holy Trinity is both sacrilegious and stupid. Tyson is attractive but Beth is once again demoted to ignoramus status. Maybe Tyson is comparable to Barabbas, who was cool and probably also had cheekbones that could cut a flank steak, but surely not Christ our Lord Savior. That being said Beth, you are great but shut your face about Christ or answer to God.
The Evens- Cut From the Cloth
Probably better than wifey/hubby duo Handsome Furs (sorry Steve, its debatable). Ian MacKaye and Amy Farina are a supercouple. Did you know Amy used to play in Ted Leo's band for a minute? I hear she drums with her baby strapped to her chest. I said that before though. I think every song I have heard of theirs is close to perfection (like Jesus, Beth) and I should do a post on them later in more detail- note to self.
Big Tree- Cap'n Ted
Holy smokes this is the catchiest kitten of a song. Oh-bee-sessed. I just spewed it is that contagious. Ick-o!
The Knife- Got 2 Let U
This song rules. Jeremy (of this blog!) likes it so you know it's both sensual and radical. You think it's all good and stuff and then the dude sings and it doubles the song's appeal. Hawt.
The Wood Brothers- Postcards from Hell
1/3 of Medeski Martin & Wood plus another brother. Pretty folky fun.
Magnetic Fields- Three Way
Terrific album. The whole thing.
FYL (Fuck Your Life...that's right, you emily...you. It's en vouge to be atheist right now, get with it)