I was told before I moved into the place I live now that there was a Whistle Pig that lived outside my window. For those of you who are not savvy to woodland creature slang, a Whistle Pig is either a woodchuck or a groundhog...they might be the same thing, I'm not sure. Anyways, after living here for almost a year I still had not seen said Whistle Pig. BUT, the other day after rising from a sound sleep, making a cup of coffee and opening my window shade I was greeted with a wondrous sight: THE WHISTLE PIG EMERGED FROM IT'S HOLE AND PROUDLY SITTING ATOP A GRASSY HILLSIDE. I obviously overwhelmingly happy and stared for a good twenty minutes at it's furry brown back in awe of the wonder that is wildlife. Yet, when I opened my window to happily shout greetings and good tidings, it scurried back into it's dirt home. After I cried for couple minutes over my loss, I realized that, if it were meant to be, I would see my scrubby friend again. This has yet to actually happen, but I don't doubt it. And in the mean time, I imagine the Whistle Pig waking at dawn each morning, sleepily climbing out of it's home, vigilantly surveying it's terrain while this song quietly plays in the background. Till then my dear, till then...
Download Roses by The Shivers
I literally watched that demon for a good half an hour at dawn. It wears its brain on its face