Funny how such a simple action can have so many slang terms. For some reason or other there are a lot of L words having to do with the subject that aren't slang. Lustful, licentious, lascivious, libidinous, lubricious, lecherous... and probably more that sound even more pedantic.
But lest I get too academic sounding let me tell you this. Men are like corn dogs - they have a lot of fried corn on the outside, but the real meat is in their weener. Women are like a head of lettuce - everything is in their head. Nice and succinct right?
But lest I get overly generalized/stereotypical/sexist let me tell you this. Men's sexual peak is probably from 16-21. Women's is from 25-35. This dissonance is probably the root of many issues and I, for one, would like to help solve some of the problems.
If we could somehow have women peak earlier and men peak later... then the divorce rate would go down, global warming would stop, North Korea would become a Democracy because Kim Jung Il would lose his virginity, and so many other beneficial things would occur.
So how do we do this? Well, I am a male and frankly, I have racked my brain on how to postpone men's sexual peak. Any solution I would come up with would be patently androcentric anyway (how you like me now?). However... I have a few ideas up my sleeve for speeding up the sexual gestation period of women...
Most of what I want to say is wrapped up nicely within this track
Funnily enough, I really think what this woman says is quite keen. And the flutist lays down THA LAW!!!
So there you have it. My suggestions are admittedly one sided, as all they concern are the effeminate. I hate this kind of discrepancy, but I can't find a cool song about men's sexual awakening. How about this though? You come up with ideas for men and put them in the comment section! I will take any and all ideas in writing. Working together... (which includes sex)... we will overcome the problems that plague humanity.
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