I'm just not really going to pay attention to Emily's biased attacks right now because I have something really, really important to get to you all. There are bigger fish to fry then someone who can't take an honest attack on their character. And anyways, Emily and I had a nice little bonding session today over a really interesting piece of art that showed a baby with a chain coming out of it's head that was connected to Jesus. So we're good.
But anyways, okay, so I never wanted to do this, but I seriously cannot help it. This song is SO GOOD it's actually incredible. Justice would be shitting their French little pants right now if they heard this. This is what Nine-Inch-Nails would sound like if they were at all good/made anything worthwhile after that really dope video for that song whose title I don't remember. This song is misogynistic in a Gravy Train!!! way I am completely on board with. It's danceable, sexy, and almost more fun than the site I found it on, which would be vampirefreaks.com. OH MY GOD THAT'S RIGHT VAMPIREFREAKS.COM. This is Emily and I's new obsession, so don't expect to see either of us out on the weekends anymore because we will be way too busy cruising VF whilst downing XXX on our futon and repeating lines from Forgetting Sarah Marshall from now on. HOW CAN YOU SEE WHEN YOU ARE BLIND?....SODOMIZE INTOLERANCE!
We will absolutely talk more about vampirefreaks.com in the near future because I'm sure that that's all we will ever talk about for at least the next few months. However, because this topic is a gem in an internet sea of, as Sarah Marshall says while impersonating Aldeous Snow in a silly English accent, "bullshit, bullshit, bullshit," we want to carefully and diligently prepare a SUPER POST on it that will blow your minds. But, just to tie you over, and to relay this incredible song to you immediately because you deserve it for working so hard and because that Adderall you're on right now to finish that paper is starting to fuck with your tummy right?, I will kind of jump the gun and introduce you to a vampirefreaks.com band Combichrist. I had a hard time finding Combichrist's stuff for free because I am technologically challenged, so I went to the Itunes store and looked them up. Not only do they have a shit ton of albums, but on the side where they have the whole "Other listener's who bought this album also bought..." box, both Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake are listed. So it's pretty much win win. Then I realized that I accidentally downloaded six of their albums consequently, so watch the fuck out guys!!! Just try and not enjoy this.
Download Combichrist- Give Head If You Got It
Ps- Emily, don't sass me. THE WEATHER OUTSIDE IS WEATHER.
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