1. There is an anti-Semitic leprechaun in my literature class.
2. There is a building in Hudson, NY that has more than 120 cats in it. There were cats in cupboards, cats in the sink, and there was a cat literally on another cat. Not cuddling with the cat, no. It was sleeping on top of the other cat.
3. When there are only two words written on your economics test and those two words are "not great" your work may be many things, but a big success is not one of them.
4. Little kids are either really dumb or incredibly metaphysically in touch at the age of five. The kid I babysit doesn't get tenses. Examples:
a) I asked: "This 'castle' is so cool, [we were climbing a large craggy rock] when did you find it?" He said: "Tomorrow."
b)I tell him while he is eating dessert: "I'm not going to be here next week because I am going home on spring break." He asked: "What is that?" I said: "It is school vacation." He replies: "Oh, it was good."
I think this last example is just proof that there is only one person in the life of a small boy and that person is himself.
5. Ian Mackaye thinks rape is a human problem and not JUST a women's problem, right on. And playing the drums with your baby strapped to you isn't going to make them deaf at 6 months old--but wait it might.
Obviously, I had a great week. But the BEST part of my week was when Nick (of this blog) showed me this:
WHAT!!???!!! Download the Poney EP.
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