Check it: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/29/us/politics/29whitehouse.html?_r=1&hp
Not only is he the father of my child and responsible for diverting flocks of geese from on-coming jumbojets across the nation, but he also is teaching the country to dress anew. Obama wants you to put down those dress pants and sports coats and just take a chill pill guys! He really can do everything.
Download Summertime Clothes by Animal Collective: a song off that new album everyone is shitting themselves over. While I really tried to unabashedly like this album as well, I think I might have read more snotty, pimply, macbook touting music reviewers' letters of unadulterated praise to turn me off from it forever. The words "brilliant" and "progressive" really only strike my fancy if used in moderation. Really liking Animal Collective is something I like to equate with skinny jeans and intimate knowledge of a total of one art gallery in Brooklyn that is on a vaugely intimidating street: it is the band that lays the groundwork for future advancement of hipsterdom, but truely shows to those who are already there, you have not quite achieved it yet. While it's a good start, you haven't quite arrived and will be scoffed and shown as a non-nothing poser if drawn into a verbal trap by an older, wiser, thinner graphic designer at a party whilst nervously downing a PBR. (Simply: 9th graders with thick glasses really like Animal Collective)
your funny!!!!!!! like really really funny... like (and im not being funny) funny enough to make me lean over to the one other native english speaker in the computer lab, and make him read that.... he laughed out loud as well... and it was homer...
ReplyDeletethanks for brightening my day in budapest...
i am highly resisting linking this back to my livejournal.....
international praise is the best kind. enjoy budapest t!