Very, very first thing before I start my poem. If you are in or out and about Brooklyn today and you do not see the FREE Del Tha Funky Show at the Waterfront no one will ever hold your hand or skip down a sidewalk with you again. Del is my hip-hop hero and he is playing a beautiful venue if you can call it that for free get there early stay late don't bother getting jigs because you are going to want to remember this in crystal clear clarity. Check that out - puppies snugglin! Awwwwraahhh.
When I was 12 I was in a bike gang. I lived above a garage and road my bike everywhere with the four other girls I lived with. The height of my rebellion. I would see my parents in passing on Main St. and they'd yell after me on my bike. This continued for three or so summers. They're still my best friends and we still ride bikes like we could take on cars.
I cooked two very nice poached eggs this morning. I hate cooking and I'd eat cereal everyday if it meant I could avoid it but I saw the movie inspired by Julia Child (who is the only cook worth watching cook, especially in this video about
chickens) and it made me get up and poach eggs. Inspiration is just down the street. I'm over it already. My brother likes to cook and he literally talks like this and the only audible thing he says over the stove is usually "this spicy."
chickens) and it made me get up and poach eggs. Inspiration is just down the street. I'm over it already. My brother likes to cook and he literally talks like this and the only audible thing he says over the stove is usually "this spicy."
I bought my mom two tickets to see Leo Kottke for her birthday. What a nice daughter I am. If you haven't heard his two albums with Mike Gordon GO GO GO!
My fridge at home is a chalk board and my brother and mother have been having ghost fights via it. The last one from my brother (whose spelling is less than stunning) was "Look! There is diareaaahhhhh on the ceiling." My mom: "That's been there for years. If you saw it, clean it up." His capitalization is also study-worthy.
Mom: "Be nice [flourish underlining and heart to cease the written battle]."
Brother: "But, i don't know How."
Hmmm, I wonder. Actually I have no time to wonder because today I must nurse the most artistic sunburn of the new millennium that my best friend is at fault for because she can't figure out how to apply sunblock to my literally see-through skin. I'm not kidding. I am also not an albino but that's not to say people haven't told me that I look like I am in the heat of the moment. Well guess what, suckers? I am going to have infant baby skin when I am 60 and you're going to look like you're 60 and enjoyed your life. Now whose laughing? I am. I AM. But my dog also has a poopie butt today so that is so funny. I also found out that she likes blueberries. One for me, one for you little dog. She ate so many and I'm wondering if she is going to ralph blue all over the floor today. Only tiiiime will tell. The other thing I have to do today is learn how to play Carly Simon's "You're So Vain" so I can replace the lyrics whenever I want about anything. What a song, what a lady. What ridiculous.
Quintessential simple summer song for August when everything is tying itself up like a doily and you are clawing at the last bits of sun and freedom. [via]
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