It has come to my attention that my good name is being slandered. While I never expected this muckraking from a person so close to my very own stone-cold heart, it happens that a very dear and personal friend of mine has been spreading malicious and upsetting lies about me. Now, I will disclose, I did have an unfortunate run in with an ill-wandering (fully grown!) nighttime creature and my large, undiscerning vehicle. BUT, if I had any whatsoever opportunity to avoid this tragedy I would have, by all means, done so. I consequently give my deepest condolences to the possum community at large for this unfortunate, yet unavoidable, incident.
Now, to turn to the perpetrator....
I would just like to point out to the blogosphere that the certain lady who has so horribly wronged me also happens to be the same girl who, just a few months ago, after a few too many Genny's, pounced upon some unsuspecting, innocent Daddy Long Leg spiders, held them dangling 6 feet in the air and ripped one or two of their legs off. Now please readers, hold back your gasps of horror. I know that seeing this horrific side of the lady you normally know as a kitty-loving, baby-hamster-facebook-wall-posting, pet-dog-video-making, "cute animal lover," but I feel like it's my duty to get this out in the open. Now I already know what said woman will retort with: "Genny made me do it" or "Beth, you're dumb, spiders are not fuzzy, nor cute, nor especially photogenic in little outfits." But to that I say, NAY. If you, dear miss, cared AT ALL about the animal kingdom you would hold all of it's members with equal standing and respect.
Just sayin'.
With all my care and love,
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