Is that too much to ask? i think not. All I want is to do is date this boy, have a cat or two, and listen to him serenade me with his ever so sincere and heartfelt voice while thoughtfully stroking his full mustache. It's not that hard, seriously. We could live in an apartment with those annoying "Free Tibet" flags that hang from every brownstone in Brooklyn Heights in our window, have a record player with an accompanying kick-ass collection of vinyl, New Yorkers strewn about the house, a group of bearded friends...
Yet, this man will not even make it easy to find a downloadable track of his. What a tease.
So, in the meantime while he gets on that, check out the meager collection of songs available on his myspace page, and you can fall in love too.
Please don't wreck me like you do.
Also, on June 9th, rush out and buy the new Portland Cello Project album, where among my man's, there are other insanely beautiful songs that are definitely worth shelling out the 15 or so bucks.
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