I typed "rare dinosaurs" into google today not realizing that because dinosaurs are extinct they are all quite rare. Well sometimes it takes a little forgetting in order to remember. Here is most helpful site on the world wide web: http://www.search4dinosaurs.com/
It does exactly what is says: helps you search for those dinosaurs you so desperately want to know more about! Ankylosaurus is like a dwarf kitten: just a dinosaur with ankles and feet! Dimetrodon is one of the monsters they battled on Power Rangers. Giganotosaurus was big. Iguanodon, Gorgosaurus, Seismosaurus, Albertosaurus, and my favorite, Giraffatitan are all hilarious dinosaur names. (dinosaurjungle.com and typesofdinosaurs.com are also good resources for this kind of scholarly research).
In my never ending quest for dinosaurs I cannot help but listen to Pterodactyl whilst I browse. Straight offa Brah Records they released their second album, Worldwide, this year and I do believe it to be a smashing success. Here is a video to a sweet song they wrote! I am really into "December" because even though it's almost June this song is on my new mix cd in my car which plays when I drive places. Side note: 45 miles of hills+fixed gear bike=jello legs. J-E-L-L-O...my legs are alive! Back to the matter at hand: Pterodactyl is not just a sweet dinosaur but a sweet band as well! They have gotten some poor reviews which are typically prefaced by a comparison to Oneida but HEY, nyc is a free country so I can still like them and e'ry body knows GANGSTER LEGS has the final say on what is hipshitcool. And, my friends, and they are dashing young men from Brooklyn, city of the Gods. Done and done.
Download "December"
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