Some people say I will never grow up. Well, you know what? They are wrong. I will grow up slash am growing up. But one residual characteristic remains from the time when I was a baby: I think Hentai is funny shit.
I will probably always think Hentai funny. I even have an academic book about the birth of Hentai. To show off a bit, I will do a quick synopsis:
In the Edo period there were a lot of Ronin (Samurai for hire aka Mercenaries) that had nothing to do. This was in the early 1700's and since prostitution was illegal (at the time) these dudes were jerkin it like it was 1999. Hence, shunga (erotic art) was born. The demand came from the hand. The supply came from the artist guy.
At first, these pictures were hand painted and incredibly expense. However, with the advent of wood block printing, hentai started to take shape in mass commodified quantities.
One of my favorite anecdotes is how the ronin incorporated these pictures into their religion. They basically stated that the shunga was connected with Shintoism and that if you put a picture of a naked lady on the mantel, then your house would not befall the contemptible fate of arson. Ahh how I love how religious traditions get twisted into accommodating societal norms.
Hope you enjoyed the tidbit of history. If you want the book (I picked it up at the MFA in Boston) it's called "Sex and the Floating World" by Timon Screech.
If you want to view the most extremely weird and hilarious Hentai ever - then I suggest the "Ogenki Clinic". Some Hentai are really dark and... well fucked up to the point of nausea. This is just funny in a light hearted way.
*Disclaimer - the following link refers to an animated porno video with penetration, boobs, butts, blue jeans etc... but it's so goofy and wacky that all of the eroticism is effaced so watch it!
My Deepest and Sincerest Apologies to Feminists Everywhere
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