Okay so Beth's post is referring to the fact that Beth's post about the Sam Amidon/Doveman show was quoted on
Brooklyn Vegan and I somehow found this. Some dick bandit said it was the gayest thing he's ever read. I totally agree. It's so gay but that's Beth's style--so deal! Whatever Beth, at least you weren't accused (ACCUSED!) of being boy crazy yesterday.
This is me standing on the street: Oh hey there, I didn't know you lived near me, let's hang out later!
The girl who I guess lives near me: Oh Emily, hey yeah I do. You know me and the other person who you thought was your friend were talking shit about you at work yesterday and I was just like ah my gad I thought I was boy crazy. And then I met Emily.
I go: Probably true. Except that I hate everyone and everything all the time everyday.
She's like: Yeah, I feel so much better about myself now.
I don't know what happened after that because I saw some dude and followed him home. I took a quiz on the www to get a professional diagnosis. I don't know what the verdict was because I started thinking about which Backstreet Boy I am most compatible with. Answer: all of them. Self diagnosis: I love everyone and everything all the time. My shoes are made of clouds and I float everywhere on a sidewalk made of a rainbow. My pot of gold is any new person I meet. I am facetious and optimistic about relationships. What?
This weekend is the annual Shark Tournament. Thank god because I can't wait to see some innocent thrasher sharks hanging upside down DEAD. I went to go take pre-tournament pictures and meet some of the fisher-killer-men this afternoon. It was crazy because they all said that they were going to win. I'd say, hey there you look like you are going to catch a big shark with that impressive fishing vessel you've got there. They'd say: You're talkin to the winners right here. Want to take a picture of the winners little girl? Want a beer? No? High ball? No? Okay, a beer?
I'll update you on who won but I think it's going to be close because they are all going to win. Maybe I'll just win. I'll have to finagle some giant ass motor boat and some gear. Wait, I have a fucking idea. I need to go back and try to weasel, I mean charm, my way onto one of the boats tomorrow. Talk about good pictures. Shit I've got work to do. Here is my theme song for my adventure this weekend.