Milton Glaser Collection Box 108, Columbia Records: Jazz Odyssey Vol. II: The Sound of Chicago, 1964.
The last radio show until next fall is going to be on this Saturday from 8-10 PM (see the link at the top right of the page). I swear--unless there is something better on.
Guess voices by Jeremy, Anderson, and Pockets Full of Luck (see list of websites I frequent somewhere on the left). They don't know this yet.
There will be prizes to be won and songs to be heard and annoying talk to mute.
In the New York Times today there are two articles. One is about a new inspirational book for students telling them it is okay to be short. The other is about how short people commit more crimes than taller people. Mixed messages in the late edition. There is also an article about how tall people are too tall. Lesson: You cannot win in this world unless you are average as fuck.
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