The Shangri-Las are awesome! Two sets of sisters made up the 1960s girl group from Queens that sang stories mostly about dating cutie pies. Guys should know this is still how girls "deal." Everything is turned into a whispery song backed by three ladies who are really empathetic about the situation. That's why girls always hang out in gangs of four! They are typically seen in public as a trio because, similar to the Shangri-Las, there is often a token "shy girl" who is just too shy to perform or leave the lair--where prey is taken back to be boyfriended. Duos happen when two are killed off because they were monopolizin' the cuties. It doesn't always pay to date the leader of the pack. You might go out hunting for rabbit (fur coats) or even fox (hats) and never come back because you were eaten alive (literally) by the heathens you once thought were your friends. Dogs may be a man's best friend but it is so important to remember that they are just wolves that learned how to snuggle.
These are two of their top singles, both from 1964.
Leader of the Pack
Remember (Walkin' in the Sand)