THEE OH SEES! New album: Dog Poison. Whoa! These two are my favorite songs:
The River Rushes (To Screw MD Over)
Good opener to the 23 minute album. Yes, it is an album. It has 10 songs. Play it two or three times in a row and it makes a normal length album.
The Sun Goes All Around
Maybe the greatest song I have heard in three months.
And what is weirder is that I have been listening to this album on repeat for the past few days and when I looked down at the seat of my car today before I sat on it and on the seat was this very CD. With a little note that said "I highly recommend this," or something cute like that. But how cool is that? Five minutes later I deduced who the anonymous gifter was. This was the coolest present maybe anyone has ever given me. Probably because this is one of my top ten favorite bands and also because I guess this person didn't even know that so maybe it wasn't a thought-out thing but who even cares it was such a great surprise. How cool is that. Sometimes I am not in a bad mood after all.
(To be fair, this album has been a much needed break. I only listen to the Smashing Pumpkins and Swan Lake these days.)
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