So you want a fight J-Chrome? No thanks. I guess your song was probably better. You win this time. Next time...still uncertain.
Loving the visual dictionary and word of the day lately. My favorites? Obviously (visually) I was looking up dog pictures and I scoobied upon dog ear collar. Then I found the jabot. Great find! In terms of actual words sans pictures I enjoy nudnik.
Main Entry: nud·nik
Function: noun
Etymology: Yiddish nudnik, from nudyen to bore, from Polish nudzić, from nuda boredom
Date: 1947: a person who is a bore or nuisance
It is pronounced: NOOOOOOOOD-nik.
Shluv that. It looks like I punched a mirror my knuckles are so nasty. Instead I just rubbed them against splintered wood all weekend. Why? It doesn't matter why.
Tom Waits. The only real man. This song is sassy.
Lie to Me
Fucking Joy Division. Because you can't feel any worse!
She's Lost Control
It is pronounced: NOOOOOOOOD-nik.
Shluv that. It looks like I punched a mirror my knuckles are so nasty. Instead I just rubbed them against splintered wood all weekend. Why? It doesn't matter why.
Tom Waits. The only real man. This song is sassy.
Lie to Me
Fucking Joy Division. Because you can't feel any worse!
She's Lost Control
oh yeah that splintered wood is so good