So its been even longer since the last mother fucking time I posted anything, and I'm super sorry. Im so sorry, sorry, sorry. I've been on a tear lately going to as many shows as humanly possible. That's kinda a problem tho. You see, electronic shows are outrageously horrible for your brain. Plus, I've seen every act I have wanted too, so I think I'm gonna chill out for a little while...
Actually, no fuck that. I'm still going to shows on a weekly basis. But, its become blatantly apparent there's a virus thats been spreading across the indie electronic scene like a plague. Its fucking dub step. It keeps bringing in these 10 year old kids to electro/minimal house/synth disco shows with hopes that they will hear a shit wobbly bass line. Go home, and let the old people dance to real music.
If you think Burial, Rusko, Skream, or, much much much worse, Major Lazor is good, do yourself a favor and kill yourself. Since most popular dubstep has roots grounded in elements found within commercialized rap prevalent in the 2000's, I realize I'm dealing with people that never connected with the essence of true hip hop. You know, everything that was produced before 1996. I already thought you people were already a disgrace to the hip hop industry, but now that you have bastardized electronic music, its time for you to quit life permanently.
Dub step is terrible. It sucks. Go away. Your shit bass lines, unbelievably repetitive hooks, and lack of high hats make me wanna puke. I would rather listen to
Halcyon On + On for the rest of eternity, and that song gets fucking old pretty god damned fast. I will admit that the days of the "electro banger" in 2007-2008 are gone. But that it's been replaced by dub step in popularity only strengthens my perception that the quality of music since that time has seriously turned for the worse.
I could talk about how I hate dub step for hours, but I digress. Instead, let me introduce to you Erol Alkan. He's been around forever, and has been considered one of the best experimental electro dj's for years, but his cosmic disco sound has really caught my ear over the last year. He was the best show at Electric Zoo this year, and blew me away at Coachella as well. He released this mixtape two weeks ago for a tour he's doing in Japan, and its pretty fucking awesome. Check it out mannnnnnnnnnnnnn